3VU1640-1MR0016-32A 3VU1640-1MR0026-40A
SIEMENS breaker 3VU1640-1MR0016-32A only 1
SIEMENS breaker 3VU1640-1MR0026-40A only 1
SIEMENS breaker 3RV1011-1DA102.2-3.2A only 1
SIEMENS breaker 3RV1011-1GA104.5-6.3A only 1
SIEMENS breaker 3VU1340-1NK005-8A only 1
SIEMENS breaker 3RV1011-0KA100.9-1.25A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3UA5940-2C16-25A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3RU1116-1GB02.8-4A Please confirm whether the model is: 3RU1116-0EB02.8-4A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3RU1116-1GB04.5-6.3A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3UA5540-2R32-40A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3RU1116-1DB00.9-2.5A Please confirm whether the model is: 3RU1116-0KB00.9-1.25A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3RU1116-1DB02.2-3.2A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3UA5040-1G4-6.3A only 1
SIEMENS thermal relay 3RU1116-0KB00.9-1.25A only 1
SIEMENS electrical parts 6ES5465-7LA13 a 1
SIEMENS electrical parts 6ES5470-7LA13 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES7 214 2BD23 0AB0 confirm whether the model is: 6ES7214-2BD23-0B0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6GK72431EX000E0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES72231BL220A8 3 months
SIEMENS module 6ES72350KD220A0 2 months
SIEMENS module 6ES73325HF000AB0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES73152AG100AB0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6GK73431CX000E0 upgrade model: 6GK7343-1CX10-0E0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES73901AF300AA0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES73211BH500AA0 3 months
SIEMENS module 6ES73221BH010AA0 2 months
SIEMENS module 6ES73317HF010AB0 2 months
SIEMENS module 6ES73325HF000AB0 a 1
SIEMENS module 6ES73921BJ000AA0 8
SIEMENS DC power 6EP1437-1SL11 discontinued Alternative models 6EP1437-3BA00 6 months
SIEMENS fuse 5SE2325 10
SIEMENS 611 controller 6SN1118-0NH01-0AA0 upgrade model: 6SN1118-0NH01-0AA1 2 months
SIEMENS chain contacts 6RY1701-0AA12 8
SIEMENS connecting piece 3RV1915-1AB I = 63AU = 690V 5 months
SIEMENS chain contacts 3TD4222-0Q0 // confirm whether the model is: 3TD4202-0Q0 20 months
SIEMENS leakage circuit breakers 3SDZ15LE-100A / 2P 2 months
SIEMENS Niuzi switch SENTRIC 3LD2230-0TK11 4 months
SIEMENS fuse switch auxiliary point 3SE4235 Discontinued without replacement 4 months
SIEMENS input module 6ES7321-1BH02-0AA0 a 1
SIEMENS precharge resistors 6SX7010-0AC06 / 27? 6 months
SIEMENS DC Controller 6RA7018-6DV62-0 a 1
SIEMENS VDU resistor 6SY7000-0AC33 3 months
SIEMENS compensating resistor 6SY7000-0AB18 10
SIEMENS capacitor bank 6SY7000-0AE00 2 months
SIEMENS dual 5-resistance 6SY7000-0AA76
SIEMENS dual 5-resistance 6SY7000-0AA77
SIEMENS switch 3SB3500-2DA11 a three-block 2
SIEMENS third gear self-reset switch 3SB3500-2EA11 2 months
SIEMENS 3RP1512-1AP30 a time relay 2
SIEMENS time delay 7PU6220-7NN20 // has been discontinued, the proposed model: 3RP1574-1NP30 2 months
SIEMENS temperature relay 3UN2100-0AN7,230V discontinued Alternative models: 3RN1010-1CM00 5 months
SIEMENS selector switch 3LF1200-2BL21 (CA10, A220) 30 months
SIEMENS selector switch 3LF1200-2BL21 (CA10, A220) 20 -
SIEMENS overall switch 3TE5002-5AP0 2 months
SIEMENS DC power 6EP1436-2BA00 3 months
SIEMENS contact 5ST3010 // confirm whether: 5ST3010-0CC 5 months
SIEMENS breaker 3RK1200-0DQ00-0AA3 only 1
SIEMENS 3RG4022-3GB00 a proximity switch 12
SIEMENS 3RG4022-0GB00 a proximity switch 12
SIEMENS drive 6SE6440-2UC22-2BA1 station 1
SIEMENS PLC 6ES7158-0AD01-0A0 2 months
- ÉÏһƪ£º3UG4615-1CR20 3RV1021-1DA10
- ÏÂһƪ£º6SG7076-0EB60-0-ZH78 7UM6211-2EB01-0AA0